How to make a delicious seasoning from horseradish roots and leaves

For modern people, horseradish is associated with a spicy and tasty seasoning, and not so long ago (before the 20th century) this plant was used as a medicine. Modern scientific studies have shown that it is indeed very useful.


Horse has a therapeutic effect on colds, sciatica, caries, and is able to destroy cancer cells.

And its tear-inducing vapors are caused by volatile phytoncides that kill viruses and bacteria.

Today in the store you can buy horseradish seasoning. And it's even better to do it yourself.

Some people paint it with beetroot juice, others add sour cream for tenderness. But you can make much more from this vegetable than a classic seasoning.

Its roots reach their greatest strength after the leaves dry out and at the beginning of growth. Therefore, they should be dug up either in late autumn or early spring. If the winter turned out to be warm, then you can also dig them up in winter.

The best nutritional qualities are found in horseradish roots aged 2-3 years. They are juicy, tender and not so sharp.

Old rhizomes are rough, often damaged, fibrous and dry. Roots with a diameter of up to 3 cm are considered the best.

Horseradish wilts quickly. Before processing, it must be soaked in water for several hours.

It is recommended to store it in moist sand or sawdust, making sure that they do not dry out. But the best roots are stored in the ground. They can be left on the bed or dug up, folded together and sprinkled with earth.

Let us remind you of the most common recipes for horseradish dishes.


You will need 1.5 kg of ripe tomatoes, 130 g of fresh horseradish and the same amount of garlic. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder. Add 3 tsp. salt, 1.5 tsp. sugar.

Spread over jars, store in the refrigerator. Before serving, you can mix with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.

Important: horseradish should not be used for inflammation of the internal organs.


This seasoning fully justifies its name. To prepare it, you need to pass a kilogram of horseradish roots and a kilogram of garlic through a meat grinder. Add 10 tbsp. salt and 20 sugar. Store in the refrigerator.

To avoid crying while grinding the vegetable in a meat grinder, you need to put a bag on the ring with the grate and tie it tightly with string.

Tomato and plum preparation with horseradish

Grind 1 kg of tomatoes, 100 g of horseradish, 100 g of plums and a head of garlic. Add salt and sugar to taste.

Finally, if you are not a fan of cooking dishes from horseradish root, choose a simpler way to use this useful plant – dry the leaves.

Seasoning from leaves

The dried leaves are crushed and used as a seasoning. Separately or mixed with parsley, dill, pepper, etc.

You can grind fresh leaves in a blender or pass them through a meat grinder (removing the central vein). Additional ingredients are ground together with them to your taste.

Salt, lemon juice and garlic are standard additions. And you can add your favorite ingredients to your taste. It can be cilantro or parsley, suneli hops, fresh chili pepper or red pepper powder.

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Author: alex

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