How to reduce the “appetite” of your washing machine and wash economically almost every day
Experts have given some tips that will help your washing machine work more economically.
A washing machine is one of the most energy-consuming household appliances. The amount in the electricity bill directly depends on how often you wash and which programs you use. So if there is an opportunity to save money on using a washing machine, why not do it. And it's not about giving up automatic washing. There are some nuances, knowing which you can save several hundred hryvnias.
Rules of frugal washing
In order not to spend too much on the electricity consumed by the washing machine, you only need to reduce it a little ” appetites”. Experts in the field of household appliances gave several tips that should be taken as a rule:
Reduce the washing temperature
Most simple stains can be washed at a temperature of 20-30 °C. At the same time, the washing machine will consume significantly less energy. If some stains still do not come off, use special stain removers or treat them by hand before putting them in the washing machine.
Choose short and environmentally friendly programs
Such programs save not only electricity, but also water. However, the “light” washing mode is more suitable for refreshing clothes. Eco-programs will not cope with heavy dirt, as well as viruses and bacteria that may be contained in fabrics. In such cases, you will have to slightly increase the washing temperature.
Sort your laundry
By separating heavily soiled items from those that only need to be refreshed, you will significantly reduce the load on both the washing machine and your wallet. Items with noticeable stains that require thorough washing can be washed on a longer program and at a higher temperature. The rest can be thrown into the washing machine for only 20-30 minutes, setting a low washing temperature. This way, you can save a lot of electricity and water during the second cycle.
Do not overload the washing machine drum
The washing machine drum should not be filled more than three-quarters full. Otherwise, the laundry will not be able to move freely and the washing will be ineffective. Trying to save money by loading the machine drum “to the brim” will end with the fact that all the laundry will have to be washed again. And in the worst case, the washing machine will simply break down, which can lead to even greater costs.
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