How to “scare off” mosquitoes in the forest
It has long been noticed that some people are bitten by mosquitoes more than others under the same conditions, and there is an explanation for this, as well as a reliable means of protection. Let's talk about how to protect yourself from the encroachments of bloodsuckers in the forest if you suddenly forgot your repellents or they turned out to be ineffective.
Why do mosquitoes bite
The insect reacts to body odor and sweat, temperature, as well as physically active people. If a completely calm and motionless person is next to such a person, they will be bitten less.
Pregnant women and people with the flu or SARS will also be bitten more.
Mosquitoes are most active in flocking to people wearing black, blue, and red clothes. White and yellow insects ignore them.
In addition, bacteria can play a bad role against you. Some of them produce an aroma that is particularly intriguing to mosquitoes, while others, on the contrary, repel.
Drinking enthusiasts will also suffer, but there is no exact scientific explanation for this process yet.
How to scare away mosquitoes if there are no repellents
The easiest way to do this, even in the forest, is to find an anthill, put a handkerchief on it on one side and on the other, then shake off the ants and rub the exposed areas of the skin with a cloth soaked in formic acid.
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