How to use yeast when growing indoor flowers
Indoor flowers, like any plants in the beds, need care, timely watering and fertilizing. Flowers can get sick or suffer from pests, there are periods when flowers need increased nutrition and protection.
Nutritional yeast is an effective and high-quality natural fertilizer that indoor plants love so much. Yeast saturates the soil with useful trace elements that flowers can quickly absorb.
This fertilizer for fertilizing flowers is widely known and is used by both professionals and beginners in floriculture.
Yeast fertilizing saturates the soil with useful microorganisms, significantly increasing the release of carbon dioxide.
Some florists believe that yeast-based fertilizing can be an alternative to mineral products.
Preparing yeast fertilizing
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar and 10 g of yeast in a liter of water. Even dry yeast will do if you don't have regular yeast at home.
After combining the above ingredients, the solution should be allowed to infuse for 2-3 hours.
The infusion is diluted with water at a ratio of 1:5, and you can water the flowers once every 2 weeks.
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