If you put this seed in a pot, the cuttings will root twice as well.
In our time, folk methods are treated with distrust. If you look objectively, our grandmothers always grew flowers and they bloomed without any store-bought fertilizers. Today we will share with you one method that is worth knowing about. We called it “grain”.
Grain and cuttings
It is recommended to use oatmeal or wheat for germinating and rooting cuttings. Just make a hole in the pot, pour some grain in there and place the cutting. Press the soil down a little.
The grains will start to sprout in about a week. When they are about 1 cm high, they should be cut off. And so on every time. The point is that the germinated grains give the soil and the plant a concentrated power of nutrients. And this is the basis for growth and development.
If people specifically germinate grain and consume it, why not use the same method for plants. It has been used before, it is proven and effective. So try to use it next time, for example, for rooting pelargonium. After such a start to their vegetative life, the plants will be strong, healthy and blooming.
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