In India, the best foods before bed for weight loss were named

India named the best foods for a snack before going to bed. It turned out that some dishes can be eaten late at night. They not only do not provoke excess weight gain, but also contribute to weight loss.

According to Indian doctors, in fact, hungry sleep can cause a lot of damage to the process of losing weight and even sabotage the efforts made on the diet.

Experts recommend using a green leafy salad as a snack, which contains a large number of useful vitamins. A small portion of oatmeal or light toast with peanut butter and pieces of banana is also suitable for a late meal.

Cheese will not harm the figure either. You can also eat a banana or almonds at night. A cherry or a protein shake is perfect for a late snack. In addition, you can eat several boiled eggs.

According to experts from India, these products will not only not harm the figure, but will also contribute to the process of losing weight. At the same time, you should avoid high-carbohydrate and fatty food, which is usually quickly deposited on the figure in the form of fat.

A snack should be arranged 1-2 hours before bedtime. It should also be remembered that dinner should be less caloric compared to other meals. At the same time, it is not possible to use fast food, sweets, pasta and bakery products, smoked meats, fatty dishes for a snack.

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Author: alex

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