Is it good to plant dill all over the garden: advice from experienced gardeners
Dill is a common garden crop that is widely used as an independent edible plant or for making seasonings, pickling cucumbers and tomatoes.
Moreover, this representative of the Okruzhkovy family protects other crops that are planted gardeners, protecting against various diseases and pests.
In addition, dill enriches the soil, thus providing prerequisites for the future good harvest of other plants.
But it happens that dill can spread throughout the garden, which some gardeners do not like. And in vain: there is nothing wrong with it.
On the contrary: the more dill, the more useful it is for the soil and, accordingly, for all garden plants.
Dill contributes to the health of the soil, “drives out » many pests and “removes” various diseases characteristic of garden plants.
Dill also enriches the soil: by cutting off the upper part and leaving the roots, we thereby give them the opportunity to rot in the ground, which makes the latter more loose and saturated trace elements.
Protection for plants
Dill, together with marigolds and some types of mustard, can drive away the golden potato nematode.
Therefore, after planting potatoes, you can immediately scatter dill seeds on the bed.
If you plant dill with radish or cabbage, you in this way, you will protect the latter from infection with a hernia, a fungal disease).
If dill is made a neighbor of cucumbers, it will provide them with protection from downy mildew, and tomatoes from phytophthora and cladosporiosis.
If planted with cabbage – it means to repel the white butterfly and other caterpillars.
In addition, the spice goes well with tomatoes, onions, garlic, beets, strawberries, currants, legumes and many other plants.
Not very welcome neighbors
Furthermore, dill, which spreads throughout the garden, drives away aphids, however, for this it needs to be grown for several years.
However, it is worth remembering that there are still plants that do not like the neighborhood of dill. Namely: carrots, celery and other representatives of the Okruzhkov family.
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