Is it true that coffee in large doses is guaranteed to lead to death?
Scientists have found out that coffee in large doses can lead to premature death. The teaching of the ancient physician Paracelsus is still alive: “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both are determined by the dose.” This is also true for such a popular drink as coffee.
In small amounts, coffee is good for the heart and liver detoxification. But if you drink it every day in unlimited quantities, you can provoke irreversible consequences that will cause the failure of many body systems, multiple organ failure and death.
Moreover, in the course of a study on the effect of coffee on the body, it was found that the above-described effect is prone to primarily men. Men who drink 4 cups of coffee a day are more likely to die prematurely. Why – it is still not clear.
But it is known that excessive, uncontrolled consumption of coffee can lead to an increase in blood flow in the kidneys, which leads to an imbalance of fluids in the body. Caffeine, in turn, provokes an increase in acidity and the appearance of ulcers, changes the speed of food absorption, and causes stomach spasms. Hypertension and rapid heartbeat develop.
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