Is it worth keeping a marriage for the sake of children: an honest answer to a psychologist

Unfortunately, it often happens that two people who no longer love each other try to save their marriage for the sake of their children. This decision is a win-win for everyone.

How marriage for children destroys their lives

According to a psychologist, marriage for children:

  • increases their stress level;
  • provokes behavioral and learning problems.
  • has a negative impact on their future perception of relationships.

Looking at such parents who stay together only for the sake of their offspring, children understand: there may not be emotional closeness, meanwhile, conflicts and hostility in relationships are the norm, and one's own needs can be ignored so that others are good.

< h2>What is the alternative

Instead of clinging to old relationships with all your might, it is best to choose an option that will be comfortable for everyone. In particular, we are talking about:

  • peaceful divorce;
  • joint upbringing of children;
  • psychotherapy for parents and children.

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Author: alex

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