List of the most healthy sweets for your health
In the pursuit of an ideal figure and the desire to get rid of excess weight, a person will certainly encounter certain difficulties. One of them is sweet temptations – various candies, chocolate bars, pastries – and this is only a small part of the delicacies that will have to be abandoned. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with them, because such products are rich in fast carbohydrates, which activate the production of “happiness” hormones. But on the other hand …
But on the other hand, sugar is the main enemy not only in the fight for an ideal figure, but also in maintaining the health of the body: bad teeth, diabetes, etc. However, you should not be sad and despair, because there are many products that can easily satisfy your craving for sweets and at the same time be extremely useful! Let's consider together the most nutritious and harmless products that can replace their sugar-saturated counterparts.
Ordinary honey is a truly useful, healing, unique product created by bees. It is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals and other useful compounds. Among its advantages are benefits for digestion, immunity, as well as a beneficial effect on sexual function. In addition, honey is a natural substitute for sugar, and its use to create culinary masterpieces will help to do without the use of the usual sweetener. It is worth remembering that the normal and harmless dose of this product for an adult per day is 1-2 teaspoons.
Dark chocolate
If your goal is to lose weight and get your figure in order, you will have to give up eating milk chocolate. However, this cannot be said about the bitter black product of cocoa beans! And although in terms of taste, dark chocolate is slightly inferior to milk chocolate, in terms of benefits, it significantly wins. So, the cocoa beans contained in it have a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes, increase the degree of brain activity and make PMS in women problem-free. Also, regular consumption of such a product can prevent the occurrence of sclerosis and even cancer. The norm of consumption is up to 150 grams per day.
Dried fruits
Dried fruits familiar to everyone – dried apricots, prunes and others – are the most recommended analogues of sweet products. They are undoubtedly extremely useful, as they help strengthen blood vessels, the heart, have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, and are also able to prevent the formation of blood clots. The only thing to remember is the consumption rate. It is no more than 100 grams of dried fruits per day.
Pieces of berries and fruits boiled in syrup are a delicacy known to many, called candied fruits. At the same time, the shell of such a product does not affect the usefulness of what is under it: rich multi-colored cubes of candied fruits hide many necessary vitamins and compounds. Candied fruits can strengthen nerves, fill a person with energy and have a beneficial effect on the function of the heart muscle. This is an excellent alternative to sweets.
This popular product in the territories of the former USSR has oriental roots and is the most delicate of all known delicacies. The word “zephyr” itself translates as “light breeze”. The composition of marshmallow is simple – it is fruit puree, which is whipped together with sugar and egg white into a weightless mass. Its ingredients fill the human body with only useful and necessary minerals and compounds: iron, proteins, phosphorus, etc. Marshmallow will be useful for digestion, blood vessels, nails and hair. However, you should be wary of its calorie content and not abuse the product: 1-2 servings of marshmallow per day will be enough.
And here is another delicacy, a favorite of many people, and which also has oriental roots. It is important to be careful when choosing halva, as not all products presented on store shelves are natural and truly useful. A product is natural if it contains sunflower, peanut or sesame seeds. Real halva does not contain sugar, but includes honey in its composition. By consuming up to 100 grams of halva per day, you can strengthen blood vessels and improve digestive processes, as well as cleanse the skin and rejuvenate the body.
Favorite food of most children! Sweet and soft candies of fancy or simple round shape are an amazingly healthy product. True, only if it is natural. Marmalade made from fruit or berry puree is extremely healthy and nutritious: it is rich in pectins, and is a natural sorbent, removes toxins from the body and cleanses the intestines. Eat no more than 2-3 pieces of natural marmalade per day, and you will definitely feel its benefits!
This product is a relative of marshmallow and marmalade. It is made mainly from fruits and berries – apples, cranberries, etc. It is these natural components that make its sweetness extremely useful and nutritious: the pastila is rich in vitamins and carbohydrates, as well as vegetable fibers. Consume no more than 50 grams of pastila per day and your bones will become stronger, your skin will refresh, and your blood-forming processes will come into a state of exaltation.
The most natural delicacies! Especially if you prepare it at home and use natural ingredients for this. It is worth noting: it is better to give preference to the “five-minute” or cold jam to the classic varieties: they have less sugar than in the usual jam. The benefit of the product is obvious – it is saturated with vitamins and useful substances. However, you should not abuse jam: the norm is only 2-3 tablespoons per day.
Fruits and berries
Is it worth talking about the benefits of natural berries and fruits? They have a beneficial effect on almost all systems of the human body and can improve the health of each of us. In addition, fruits and berries are a real find for people who want to get their figure in order – they can easily replace sweets and satisfy the strongest need for sweets.
Their clear advantage is the absence of any restrictions on consumption.
This herb stevia is an exotic type of plant that came to us from America. It is a natural natural substitute for sugar, from which many different products are made: syrups, powders, effervescent tablets, as well as many other sweets. Stevia is rich in many amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. Regular consumption of products containing it will have a beneficial effect on the immune system and increase the body's resistance to bacterial infections.
So, dear reader, everything turned out to be much simpler than it seemed? Indeed, if desired, any sweets can be easily replaced with others and at the same time get maximum benefit and minimum calories! By consuming the listed products in the specified norms, you can easily achieve your goals – lose a couple of kilograms, as well as improve your overall health. Eat healthily!
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