Lowering blood pressure without medication: 6 doctor's tips
You can lower your blood pressure without using medication.
Arterial hypertension or hypertension is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases, which is expressed in high blood pressure. Accordingly, there are a number of drugs that can help lower blood pressure. But, according to experts, it is not always necessary to resort to the use of medications – sometimes you can do with alternative methods. Cardiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Olga Alexandrova gave six tips for those who want to lower blood pressure without using specialized drugs.
Sports. Moderate cardio loads are a great way to normalize blood pressure. Walking, dancing, cycling – all this helps to improve the situation with high blood pressure.
Relaxation.Find your own way of relaxation and learn to relax. If meditation helps you to psychologically isolate yourself from the outside world, meditate. If a walk in the park, take a walk.
Avoid salt. Reduce the amount of salt you consume and your blood pressure will decrease. The less sodium, the lower your blood pressure. A particularly large amount of salt is found in semi-finished products, sausage, and canned food. Fried and smoked foods are also not the best choice if you intend to overcome hypertension.
Losing excess weight. Excess weight is one of the main factors affecting high blood pressure. So if you have extra pounds, then hypertension will definitely come with them.
Avoid alcohol. People with high blood pressure are strictly prohibited from drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can cause a stroke.
Please note that all of the above methods of lowering blood pressure are only suitable for “mild” hypertension, when your blood pressure rises periodically. If your blood pressure has risen to a critical level, then in no case do not self-medicate, but immediately call an ambulance.
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