Lowering Game: 5 Ways to Quickly Lower Blood Pressure Without Pills

These are “emergency” methods and you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Almost three-quarters of people over 55 suffer from high blood pressure. Being overweight, eating poorly, and living a sedentary lifestyle are all factors that increase the risk of developing hypertension. Of course, the right treatment should only be chosen with a doctor, but sometimes there are situations when both a doctor and the medications he prescribes are unavailable for some reason. We have selected a few tips that will help lower your blood pressure without pills — but remember that it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What is considered high blood pressure?

Doctors talk about hypertension if an adult patient has a systolic (“upper”) pressure of 140 mm Hg or higher for seven days or more, and a diastolic (“lower”) pressure of 90 or higher. In this case, you should consult a doctor, choose a therapy and carefully take the prescribed medications, as well as try to minimize the factors that increase the risk of hypertension: quit smoking and alcohol, switch to a healthier diet and exercise more. But even if your upper pressure fluctuates between 130-140 mm Hg for 10-14 days, you should consult a doctor: this condition is also considered dangerous to health and may require treatment. If you don’t have a blood pressure monitor at hand, you can measure your blood pressure using folk remedies, but it’s still better to buy or rent a medical device and take measurements regularly for at least a week.

How to lower blood pressure without pills

All of the following remedies should be considered “emergency” and should only be used if you can’t see a doctor. You shouldn’t use them constantly — it can be bad for your health.

Deep breathing

Deep, measured breathing helps reduce stress levels, which in most cases is the cause of increased pressure. To cope with it, you should take a deep breath (try to inhale with your chest, not your stomach), then exhale just as deeply. Try to make both inhalation and exhalation take at least five seconds. Repeat several times, try to hold your breath between exhalation and inhalation for 5-8 seconds. Deep breathing will increase blood flow, blood vessels will dilate and pressure will decrease.

Cold compresses for hands

Hold your hands under cool (but never ice-cold) running water for a few minutes. This will slow down your heart rate and thus lower your blood pressure.

Hot bath for hands or feet

When blood pressure increases, the blood vessels in the extremities narrow. To help them expand, you can prepare a bath with hot water (about 45 degrees) and immerse your arms and legs in it. After 10 minutes, the vessels will dilate, blood will flow to the legs and arms, and the pressure will decrease.

Mint tea

Mint is a great natural anti-stress. If you have some dried leaves of this plant at home (or ready-made bags), pour boiling water over them, leave for 10 minutes, then strain, wait for the drink to cool slightly, and drink slowly. You can add a little sugar or honey: such mint tea will reduce stress and lower blood pressure. The main thing: the drink should not be hot, and you should drink it slowly, in small sips.


Valerian tincture or any preparations based on it (but not Corvalol: it is quickly addictive). This natural sedative helps us cope with stress and lowers blood pressure – the main thing is not to exceed the recommended dose.

Vinegar compresses

A folk method, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by several studies. Soak gauze or cloth in apple cider vinegar and apply to your feet for 10-15 minutes. After a while, the pressure will decrease.

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Author: alex

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