More than 200 grams of some types of meat per day increases the risk of early death

Fatty red meat and processed meat products have a negative impact on health, increasing the risk of developing dangerous diseases.

Scientists from the University of Eastern Finland conducted a 20-year study that showed that red meat and processed meat products increase the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In particular, the risk increases if you eat three sausages, six slices of bacon, 200 grams of fatty pork, beef or lamb per day.

The study involved more than 2,600 men aged 40 to 60. For 20 years, they constantly kept food diaries and handed them over to scientists. During the experiment, about 1,200 participants died. The main causes of their death were cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.

Experts concluded that more than 650 grams of red meat per week increases the risk of developing stomach and colon cancer. In addition, fatty meats and especially meat products contain a lot of saturated fats, that is, they increase cholesterol levels, which, in turn, is a threat to the health of the cardiovascular system.

But at the same time, red meat contains a lot of iron and B vitamins. Scientists believe that it is safe to eat about 70 grams of red meat per day. Eating more than 200 grams of red meat per day increases the risk of early death by 23% compared to those who eat red meat in safe amounts.

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Author: alex

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