Named 5 typical causes of early aging


Scientists claim that the signs of aging in many modern people occur before their ancestors. Experts identify several reasons for such premature aging.

stress. According to experts, a stress factor is the first cause of premature aging of the whole body in general and skin in particular. Stress is a reaction of the body that is forced to function in adverse circumstances. In particular, stress occurs when the body receives a lot of unhealthy foods and feels a shortage of vitamins and trace elements, does not receive enough water, suffers from constant lack of lack, muscle tension and negative thoughts. As a result, some processes in it begin to stop, or go back, and the immune system involves all efforts to adjust the effects of changes that occur. As a consequence, the body becomes defenseless against infections, viruses and bacteria, it increases the risk of inflammation. All this enhances aging, both physical and external.In modern society, in the conditions of life in metropolitan areas, this problem is a true scourge of people. Unbalanced nutrition, everyday stress, lack of balance between a lot of work and rest, a lot of information from gadgets interfere with the body to fully relax at night. As a result, it cannot get a complete restart, depletes. Meanwhile, it is in the dream that it actively produces hormones of youth and beauty: melatonin and growth hormones. In order not to grow old, you need to sleep enough, fall asleep at the same time, best – before the onset of the North.The lack of muscle load leads to loss of tone in the muscles, their sagging and in the end – to bodily aging. Scientists note that any muscle activity contributes to the production of hormones that provide the body of youth. For example, the brain thus activates the synthesis of “hormones of pleasure” – endorphin, serotonin, dopamine. This hormonal background provides a decrease in the level of cortisol in the body, which has a good effect on the condition of the skin, is important to maintain the beauty and youth of the body.

poor nutrition. This food does not provide the cells with the required number of trace elements and as a result without proper nutrition, the cells begin to work worse and update. In addition, the above products adversely affect the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and in many ways it depends on the work of the intestine, how healthy we are and look young.

bad habits. older. Also in this list – lack of exercise, slouch and wrong body position during sleep, constant work with gadgets, violates the position of the head.

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Author: alex

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