Named three foods that will help lower cholesterol
High cholesterol may not make itself felt for many years, and the patient may not feel the danger. Experts have listed foods that, if added to your diet, can gently lower “bad cholesterol.” It is noted that it is not harmful in itself, in fact, the body needs it to create healthy cells. But a high level of cholesterol is harmful because it causes the formation of fatty plaques in blood vessels. This increases the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death worldwide. However, by making the right food choices, you can lower your cholesterol naturally.
Oatmeal contains a special type of fiber that lowers low-density lipoproteins (LDL), the so-called “bad cholesterol,” a representative of the Mayo Clinic told the British Express. He added: “the same fiber is found in beans, Brussels sprouts, apples and pears.” One serving of oatmeal provides three to four grams of fiber, while 10 grams already significantly lowers “bad cholesterol.”
Almonds and other nuts can have a positive effect on the level of cholesterol in the blood. Recent studies have shown that a diet rich in walnuts may reduce the risk of complications in people with heart disease. All nuts are very high in calories, so they should either be added to a salad or used as a small snack. Studies on almonds and lipid levels show that eating this nut can lower LDL and triglycerides without affecting HDL cholesterol.
Avocado< /h2>
Doctors at the Mayo Clinic say that people are generally most familiar with avocado in guacamole, which is usually eaten with high-fat corn chips. “Try adding avocado slices to salads and sandwiches or eat them as a side dish, also try guacamole with raw chopped vegetables, such as cucumber slices,” the clinic advised. Replacing saturated fats, such as those found in meat, with monounsaturated fats is what makes the Mediterranean diet heart-healthy, doctors say. Nutritionist Helen Bond concluded: “Cholesterol levels can change quite quickly, so exercise and a healthy diet should be part of your daily routine.”
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