Nutritionist: fruit can “recover even more than chips”
According to the nutritionist, most problems with nutrition can be avoided if you control the amount of food eaten.
According to him, foods that are traditionally considered very useful can easily harm health people who suffer from chronic diseases, for example, from hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity.
It is believed (and quite rightly) that such people should not eat chips, crackers, snacks, etc. however, for the most part, everything depends on the dosage, the expert emphasized.
– People will not buy a small package of chips, but will go and pick up fruit and dilute it even more, because all the fructose goes to the stomach and forms visceral fat, – he said.
The nutritionist added that the main danger of chips is not in their composition, but in the amount of use. In other words, you can eat a little bit if you really want to.
As for fruit, a few, let's say, peaches will only bring benefits, and if there are kilograms of them all season, then weight problems are definitely will be.
It is necessary to engage in “propaganda of small packages of “harmful” products” in order to “remove” risks and threats, the doctor believes.
As previously reported, nutritionists named products suitable for night snack, which will not harm the figure, but will “kill” the appetite. Before going to bed, if you really want to eat, you can eat one hundred grams of natural yogurt without sugar, kefir, sour milk, or ryazhenka. These products contain few calories, but bring many benefits and satisfy hunger for a long time.
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