Nutritionists have named the best products for women
Many women often suffer from mood swings and lack energy Correct nutrition will help to solve these problems. Eating certain foods will not only keep you in a good mood, but also prevent the risk of heart disease and cancer.
Fatty fish with a rich omega-3 content has a beneficial effect on the heart. In addition, its use reduces the risk of developing arthritis and improves cognitive abilities.
Dark chocolate is also good for the heart. According to the results of one of the studies, the risk of heart failure is significantly lower in women who eat one or two servings of it per week than in those who did not eat it. The cocoa content in chocolate should be at least 74%.
Oncological diseases, including breast cancer, are one of the main causes of death for women in the world. Eating whole grain bread will help reduce the risk of its development. It allows you to reduce the high level of estrogens, which contribute to the development of breast cancer.
Helps fight cancer cells and peanuts. This is due to the high content of choline. One of the studies confirms that women who ate foods rich in this substance were less prone to cancer, including breast cancer.
To improve mood, women need to drink rooibos tea. This drink is able to reduce the level of stress due to the content of the flavonoid aspaltin. In addition, rooibos helps to reduce belly fat.
One of the most healing vegetables for women was called beetroot. It accelerates metabolism and increases the level of serotonin – the hormone of joy. In addition, beets have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
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