Nutritionists have named the products that should not be on a woman's menu
Nutritionists gave advice, telling how the fair sex should shape their diet. They listed the products that should not be in the women's menu, if they want to preserve their health and slim figure.
Nutritionists note that products are not divided into men's and women's, but there are a number of names that ladies should be refused in the first place. According to experts, fast food, processed food and quick-cooking products containing a large amount of salt cause the greatest damage to the body, and in particular to the digestive system. They contain a lot of fat, and most importantly, chemical compounds.
Those who want to become healthier should give up any sausage and mayonnaise. Alcohol should also be excluded, especially carbonated. Due to alcoholic beverages, which are often high in calories, not only weight gain occurs, but also drying of the skin. Losing moisture, it is covered with wrinkles and capillary nets. It is recommended to drink no more than a glass of dry wine. Coffee should also be allowed no more than a cup a day, as this drink washes calcium from the body.
Experts note that you can get better from food of natural origin, especially in the form of pickles and pickled vegetables. The most caloric among them are carrots and potatoes. Women after 45 should exclude these products from their regular diet.
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