Nutritionists named the Top 6 foods that can overcome vitamin deficiency
Dietitians named the Top 6 products that can overcome vitamin deficiency. This disease is a consequence of a lack of vitamins in food and often occurs after a long period of malnutrition.
Sorrel was at the top of the list. It must be present in the spring diet, as it is literally the champion among vegetables in terms of the content of B vitamins. Sorrel helps fight stress and even improves vision. Lemon was in second place, which contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. This fruit helps the body eliminate toxins and protects it from cancer. The third line went to cabbage, and any of its types. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and helps with weight loss. Moreover, according to nutritionists, sauerkraut helps just as effectively as fresh. Green salad was in fourth place in the ranking. It saturates the body with vitamins E and B, as well as magnesium and calcium, which strengthen blood vessels, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
The fifth line of the ranking went to chamomile tea, which can relieve fatigue, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and relieve excessive irritability. The sixth place went to green peas, which contain substances that can slow down the aging process. In addition, peas are excellent at filling you up and after eating them, you will feel full for a long time.
According to nutritionists, to cope with vitamin deficiency, you should also eat other fresh fruits and vegetables. For example, black currants will help to relieve the body of vitamin C deficiency, and sweet potatoes and fresh carrots will help to fill the deficiency of vitamin A.
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