Onions can effectively lower blood pressure

Experts have found a vegetable whose consumption will help regulate blood pressure in hypertension. It turned out that ordinary onions have such properties.

It has long been known that with certain health disorders, many dishes become undesirable in the patient's diet. However, there are also products whose use, on the contrary, improves the health of patients. Scientists, having studied the composition and properties of vegetables, have named the most useful of them for high blood pressure. Onions are indispensable for hypertension, the vitamins contained in them saturate the body with useful substances. The complex of vitamin B, as well as A, K, C and PP, minerals, alkaloids and essential oils in onions improve and strengthen the body, accelerating metabolism and cleansing the organs. In addition, the antimicrobial effect of phytoncides contained in this vegetable has long been known to everyone.

In folk medicine, onions have long been used to combat high blood pressure, but now scientists have found a justification for the effectiveness of this common vegetable. The substances contained in large quantities in it have a very good effect on the condition and functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Even a small amount of onion in the daily diet will normalize the pressure in the blood vessels.

Studies involving volunteers have proven the beneficial properties of onions; according to scientists, they really fight hypertension well. This product is also good for eliminating inflammation and reducing cholesterol levels. Doctors advise eating about two onions a day for hypertensive symptoms. In addition to onions when cooking, you should also eat them raw, adding honey for taste, and making infusions and decoctions. However, it is imperative to consider that the use of onions is contraindicated for people with ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, as well as asthma and allergies.

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Author: alex

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