Only pain and problems? Why do we have wisdom teeth?
Many people prefer to immediately get rid of the eighth teeth, which are also called “wisdom teeth”. Whether this is a good option and why wisdom teeth are needed at all – in our material.
Eight teeth in a row, which are usually called “wisdom teeth”, have many interesting features. In particular, they grow only permanently – there are no “milky” figure eights. They earned their name because they appear already at a more mature age. As a rule, eights begin to erupt at the age of 14-25, but there are cases when this happens later, even around 30 years.
Since the eighth teeth often grow with complications and can be quite serious by the time they are fully erupted be affected by caries, and they also tend to grow only on one side or grow to the side, many prefer to part with wisdom teeth immediately. And this makes sense if the tooth threatens its neighbors due to its incorrect position, is affected by caries or does not have the opportunity to grow normally.
Dentists note that wisdom teeth are most prone to the development of caries, since it is difficult to ensure decent hygiene for them. . Treating such teeth is also quite difficult. But should they be removed?
In each case, the decision should be made taking into account all the features. If your figure eight is causing more problems than good, it's probably best to get rid of it. But wisdom teeth have many advantages:
- they can replace the missing sevens or become a support for a prosthesis;
- eights prevent the thinning of the jaw and support the neighboring teeth;
- wisdom teeth prevent the divergence of the dentition.
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