0 There are many varieties of tea. This drink is not only refreshing, helps quench thirst and tastes good, but is also good for health. Studies...
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What will happen if you cook grated potatoes in meat broth
0 Among the general public has the idea that fashionable mashed soups came to us exclusively from chefs of Western European cuisine. We will...
Why is it dangerous to abuse greens and vegetables
0 On the eve of summer, early vegetables and greens begin to appear in stores, which are especially popular after winter. However,...
Nutritionists revealed the peculiarities of nutrition of long-lived people
0 There are about three hundred hypotheses about the processes leading to the aging of the body. Today, science believes that one-third of a...
How to help older people cope with anxiety during wartime
- Keep in constant contact, regardless of whether you live in the same city or in different ones. You should call elderly family members in...
How to cook so that the meat does not turn out tough
0 Some cooks believe that it is not bread , and meat is the head of everything, so various dishes are regularly prepared from this product....
Is it worth keeping a marriage for the sake of children: an honest answer to a psychologist
0 Unfortunately, it often happens that two people who no longer love each other try to save their marriage for the sake of their children....
How to properly add raisins and dried fruits to baking
1 Fresh fruit is not always at hand and adding them to baking is not as convenient as raisins and dried fruits. Cupcakes and raisin buns are...
How to save smartphone charge if you have to be sheltered or without light for a long time
0 Tips for those with an iPhone: set a dark background “wallpaper”, reduce the screen lock time, brightness, turn off the sound; turn off the...
Potatoes can increase the risk of three dangerous diseases, doctors said
0 Potatoes are present in the diet of almost every person, but an excess of this product can pose a health risk. Problems may arise primarily...
For the intestines, longevity and from toxins: simple porridge turned out to be one of the most useful
0 Porridge remains a popular breakfast dish. It became known about the benefits of one cereal, which is often used to prepare morning food. It...
Vitamin B12 deficiency: what will happen if it is not treated
0 Vitamin B12 vital for many processes in the body. It is found mainly in products of animal origin: meat, fish and milk. However, if the body...