0 Bee pollen has a number of health benefits that not everyone knows about. Doctors note that this product contains a significant amount of...
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What products increase the risk of a heart attack, experts said
0 A heart attack occurs when one of the coronary arteries (the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle) is blocked. The risk of a...
Liver disease: doctors named three little-known signs of a dangerous condition
2 Today, approximately seven percent of the world's population suffer from liver fibrosis and do not know it because they have no symptoms...
Named products that are better to avoid in case of arthritis
0 Arthritis is a general term for a group of different inflammatory diseases of the joints. There are several varieties of it. Inflammation can...
What foods do doctors forbid to eat on an empty stomach
0 In the morning, the body needs nutrients, so breakfast is considered the most important meal all day. However, not all products can be...
The wrong breakfast: six common mistakes were named by nutritionists
0 If you feel very hungry after a couple of hours , complain of fatigue or discomfort in the stomach, it makes sense to plan the first morning...
In Ukraine, “unfair” power outages were discovered: which areas stood out
0 The State Inspectorate of Energy Supervision revealed an unfair distribution of power outages in six regions. According to the order of the...
Church holidays in August: find out about important dates according to the new calendar
0 The last month of summer will be rich in church holidays. After the transition to the New Julian calendar, the dates of the holidays shifted...
Electricity tariffs: when the price of electricity may rise again in Ukraine
0 The electricity tariff will not be reviewed until May 1 next year. That is, until the end of the autumn-winter period of 2024/2025, the...
The secret of longevity: the named habit that will help maintain health
0 Longevity can seem something difficult to reach, but it is quite possible to extend the years of your life by leading a healthy lifestyle....
Dementia: 5 factors that increase the risk of the disease
1 In dementia, a person's memory is degraded thinking, behaving, and the ability to perform normal daily activities. It usually appears in...
Which available berry reduces the risk of diabetes
0 To prevent the development of diabetes in the body, it is necessary to eat fruits, which reduce the level of glucose in the body, but not all...