Scientists from Great Britain concluded that the vitamin, available thanks to many simple products, reduces the risk of death after 50 years,...
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The signs of the Zodiac that will make a career breakthrough at the end of the month have been named
Astrologers have named two Zodiac signs that can make a sharp leap in their professional activities at the end of April. Capricorn Capricorns can...
38th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster: how Kyiv lived in the first days after the accident
On April 26, 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl NPP, which became one of the most terrible nuclear disasters in history. Its consequences...
How to make the perfect snack from apples and kefir
It's delicious to have a snack, but don't overeat and don't go over the calories. Such a food scenario is possible. To do this, you...
An international pie originally from France, which is successfully prepared by Ukrainian and German women
I think that most people immediately guessed what kind of pie we are talking about. This is a conversation about Charlotte. It was invented by...
Doctors have explained how to distinguish forgetfulness from developing dementia
With age, memory becomes less reliable, but there is a clear line between simple forgetfulness and the development of a neurological disease -...
The popular product turned out to be an effective remedy for back pain
Back pain can be caused by improper nutrition or sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Experts told how the condition can be alleviated by making...
Five signs of the zodiac among women easily conquer men: they have a special power
Women are different in character - calm or energetic, reserved or open, but only individuals of them have a special "magnetism". It is he who...
Experts told a simple way to make biohumus for the summer
Biohumus in the country is extremely valuable. It is a natural fertilizer for plants. Organic matter is processed by worms, as a result of which...
Named products that prevent weight loss
People who want to lose weight are advised to give up dairy products, as the body may have a hidden allergy or intolerance to them. Drinking...
Gray hair and other signals of the body about heart problems
According to research, the appearance of gray hair can be a sign of heart problems. Scientists also name other surprising signals of the body that...
The network showed what one of the most famous boulevards of Kyiv looked like in the 1930s-1950s
Taras Shevchenko Boulevard was laid in the early 1840s and then had a completely different appearance. Thanks to amateur photographers, we can see...