Making sponge cake always means that there will be a delicious dessert for tea. The chocolate option is considered one of the best. In order to...
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How to fertilize peonies: florists told how to feed flowers in spring
Florists like peonies no less than roses, and some even more. Bright, large and fragrant buds decorate any what area But in order for the flowers...
Named the ideal vegetable for weight loss, which contains only 20 calories per 100 grams of weight
At the same time, it contains a large number of vitamins. Those who want to get rid of excess weight should pay attention to zucchini. According...
Crab salad with cabbage and cucumber for health and a slim figure
This is a very tasty salad, words cannot describe it - you have to try it! Crab salad with cabbage and cucumber is light but filling. The delicious...
How can the daily use of sour milk cheese affect the body?
In the opinion of a nutritionist, sour milk cheese is a product suitable for daily use. Thanks to such a habit, the work of the body can change for...
Doctors listed the symptoms of arthritis that develops in the body
Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are often associated with the joints, but if the disease is just developing in the body, it can send signals that...
The doctor named eating habits that have a destructive effect on the kidneys
It has been known for a long time that eating habits and preferences can have an adverse effect on the body. Moreover, as claimed by the doctor of...
Nutritionists named the dose of beer that you can safely drink per day
“If there was a sea of beer…” – one popular singer dreamily sang in the late 1990s. Any doctor will continue this phrase as follows: nothing good...
Horodniki stories about the peculiarities of growing cherry tomatoes
Growing cherry tomatoes (by the way, in translation from English "cherry" means cherry) for many gardeners is rather a hobby. But these small...
Several more stations of the capital's subway are being prepared for closure
On the "blue" line of the Kyiv metro, several more stations are being prepared for closure. Several more stations of the capital subway are being...
Grandmother's recipe: a favorite cake of many generations
There are culinary products that are known and loved in a certain period, and then they are forgotten, because other, more modern ones come to...
Gardeners told how and where to buy fruit tree seedlings
When planting a young garden or rejuvenating an old one, the gardener faces such a problem as the choice of seedlings. In order not to buy a cat in...