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How not to poison your baby with medicines: Komarovsky gave important advice
0 children of young age are often poisoned with medicines. To avoid this, you need to keep them out of reach of children, \"control\" the...
How to cook cabbage cutlets
'Secrets' from experienced cottagers to help grow a peach
What foods destroy tooth enamel and whether it can be restored
0 What products destroy dental enamel and whether it is possible to restore it. Drinks. they contain harmful sugar that nourishes enamel...
Popular sweet drinks twice increase the risk of early bowel cancer
As experienced gardeners “lure” earthworms
Every fourth doctor suffers from psyche problems
Doctor's advice: How to relax and fall asleep in one minute
0 Andrew Weil, a well-known American doctor and public figure, director of the Aryzonic Center for Integrating. minutes. The technique...
Doctors told why it is dangerous to sit in a toilet with a smartphone
0 The habit of modern people everywhere to take a smartphone. Doctors told why it is dangerous to health. They sit on the toilet, reading...
Named the beneficial properties of grapes
Is it possible to eat food with an overdue shelf life
0 Experts have said that we can safely eat green potatoes and bread with swelling. Thus, the amount of food thrown into the dump of food...