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As “special” to prepare rice with green peas and almonds
Fragrant rice, decorated with green peas and almonds, no one will leave indifferent. This dish is ideal for the holiday table. D white rice with...
At what age begins aging and how to extend the youth period
A nutritionist told how to defeat acne with the help of food correction
How to care for white sneakers to be like new
1 Many people stop before buying white shoes for one reason that it needs to be cleaned frequently and over time, the sneakers do not...
Why can't you cook tomatoes and cucumbers: a useless combination of vegetables
Why can't you cook tomatoes and cucumbers: a useless combination of vegetables
Seven reasons why you should eat garlic daily
0 devils, werewolves and vampires are warned! We present seven shocking, interesting and amazing facts about garlic - the only substance...
Seven reasons why you should eat garlic daily
0 Devils, Werewolves and Vampires are warned! We present seven shocking, interesting and amazing facts about garlic - the only substance...
How to deal with mold on walls: 3 effective means
0 mold-an unpleasant thing that is difficult to get rid of once and for all . Apparently, each of us at least once, but faced such a...
Experts told how to handle insomnia
Doctors have told what health problems are talking about
0 doctors have told a symptom of which health problems may be. In some cases, the problem is solved by itself, but it also happens that it...