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The cardiologist told why tomatoes need to be completely abandoned
Which siderate can replace different types of “nutrition” for plants
The doctor called the first symptoms of brain cancer
How to cook broccoli in garlic-cheese sauce
0 In the fight for the perfect figure, you should prefer useful recipes. But useful - does not mean tasteless. We offer you a recipe for...
6 Tips from Experts To Help Cancer Protect
0 In the fight against cancer, early diagnosis and prevention is important. How to live to not get sick, experts told. The country...
The most dangerous product that everyone loves
0 American experts named one product that is a great danger to health, but is a popularity of the world. The most dangerous product that...
Like without flour, semolina and potatoes with 0.5 kg of minced meat make 1 kg of “juicy” cutlets
How to remove animal hair from clothing while washing
Named nutrition rules in adulthood
Named 5 signs of lethal blood cancer that often ignore
0 British hematologist Panayotis Cottharidis. Types of blood cancer, however, the most common of these are lymphoma, myeloma and leukoma....
“Secret” adding vinegar to chicken broth
1 Chicken broth is recommended to be introduced into the diet for colds, because it is rich in nutrients. If you add a little vinegar to...