0 A female bear that has settled in a garden or vegetable garden is a real horror for an agrarian. This versatile pest, which lives...
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6 foods that will save you from cancer
0 It is impossible to predict the development of cancer, but doctors advise to prevent this dangerous disease. The first thing you should pay...
High cholesterol: which foods should be avoided, doctors tell us
0 The level of cholesterol depends on a person's diet. To lower the indicator, it is better to avoid red meat, bakery products and other...
We improve the taste of borscht with sugar and prepare a delicious stir-fry
1 Borshcht is the best lunch dish you can imagine. Tasty, healthy, nutritious - that's all about it. It's even eaten for dinner. Every...
Doctors have revealed the benefits of a popular breakfast product
0 A product that many people start their day, nutritionists classify it as \"superfoods\". It is rich in many nutrients, contains the necessary...
How to use baking soda when growing tomatoes
0 Soda is a wonderful product that should be in every home. Soda is relevant in cooking, when cleaning the house, and also in the garden, but...
The maximum daily dose of coffee has been named
0 British nutritionist Michael Mosley has named the maximum daily dose of coffee that will not harm your health. The specialist claims that if...
How to cook rice so that it falls apart into rice grains
1 If you can't cook crumbly rice and every time the cooking ends with a lump of porridge, try using these tips. And your rice will never...
The cure for “high” sugar turned out to be a product that is in every kitchen
0 Type 2 diabetes means that you should pay attention to your diet. Blood sugar spikes are harmful to the body and can lead to long-term...
What diseases does drowsiness after lunch signal?
0 The desire to sleep after lunch may be associated with impaired metabolic processes, the general practitioner said. She warned that...
How to adjust your diet in the fall
0 During the cold season, it is important to add warm dishes and drinks to your diet. It is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and include...
Four drugs that should be in every florist's first aid kit
0 Everyone who grows flowers and various plants should have drugs in their first aid kit for all occasions. Green pets in pots can develop...