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Doctors told how to harm the health of vegetables
0 Useful vegetables in some cases can be harmful to the body-they become harmful. Doctors have told what vegetables should be very...
How much sugar to put in strawberry “five-minute jam” so that the berries do not turn into porridge
Named 4 dangerous diseases that develop for a long time without symptoms
1 Development of dangerous ailments can occur for a long time without symptoms, doctors reminders. In this series, for example, there are...
How to grow cabbage to “impress” the crop
Experts have identified 6 dangerous habits associated with cancer
How to use a napkin to decorate cookies
Milk with honey when cold can be dangerous
How to “nourish” eggplants so they give a good harvest
5 changes with the body that require an urgent treatment for a doctor
0 The body always gives signals when it causes violations. But sometimes the changes are ignored externally, as they seem not very...
Why experienced housewives soak carrots in cold water
0 fresh vegetables are not always well stored, even if stored in the refrigerator. Often, they will fade, making it difficult to clean. ...
Six bodily smells that talk about health problems
1 often when developing body disorders and diseases. Experts have told what odors can be a signal of adverse processes. acetone smell....