0 Mindlessly loading everything brought home after a trip to the store for vegetables or a trip to the country, you can breed real unsanitary...
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What flowers should not be put in a vase together
0 Not all flowers are used among themselves - this concerns and cut When helping to make a bouquet, florists usually warn about this. And...
11 scientifically proven beneficial properties of magnesium
0 Although it is found in a wide variety of foods, including leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds and beans, many people do not get enough...
How to lower cholesterol after 50 years: simple but useful habits
0 The risk of heart problems increases with age. To protect against this, as well as lower cholesterol (a common cause of heart disease), you...
Pancreatic cancer: 7 signs that are important to be able to notice
0 People, People with pancreatic cancer are prone to digestive problems, including loss of appetite, indigestion, and nausea. Pancreatic cancer...
A Danish doctor named 4 key factors that worsen heart health
Cardiovascular diseases and diet are synonymous, but this concept is a bit more complicated. Gut health has recently received increasing...
A nutritionist called “healthy foods” that can cause cancer
0 Link between cancer and food is becoming increasingly evident, helping millions of people prevent disease through dietary adjustments....
What increases the risk of cataract and how to detect it in time
0 Cataract is one of the most common causes of blindness. Visual impairment is caused by progressive clouding of the lens, which is normally...
The somnologist listed the main causes of insomnia
0 Sleep disorders, including insomnia, negatively affect the quality of life and health i am human To eliminate insomnia, it is necessary to...
Type 2 diabetes: 4 early signs of a dangerous condition are named
0 High blood sugar levels may not manifest themselves for a long time. Therefore, the diagnosis of diabetes is often delayed. “Even a slight...
Doctors advise people with insomnia to snack on a banana
0 Experts say that bananas are an excellent snack before bed for people who have problems falling asleep and insomnia. Doctors from the Sleep...
Named 4 types of bread used by long-lived people
0 You don't need to be afraid of carbohydrates, in in the diet of long-lived people, they are present in a fairly large amount, including...