0 In some cases, problems with memory require a visit to a doctor and an examination. The reasons that can explain the deterioration of memory...
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A popular combination of products that can seriously increase the risk of dementia
0 There are several different types of dementia, the most common of which are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. The disease can...
Doctors named the steps to prevent the development of diabetes
0 The doctors told about four steps that must be done to prevent diabetes. According to their statement, the development of this disease is...
The doctor named products to get rid of visceral fat
0 In case of eating disorders and a sedentary lifestyle a person gains extra weight. A particular danger is visceral fat, which surrounds...
Scientists have discovered a harbinger of premature death
0 Scientists found out that the state of the retina of the eye reflects the real age of a person, writes Al Jazeera. Moreover, in the course...
How to get what you want from others in an ecological way: 5 effective methods of influence
0 Psychologists have named several techniques that will help you influence other people and always get what you want. We talk about five...
The three zodiac signs have the most chances to become famous
0 Have you noticed that for some people success seems to be an easier task than for others. No matter what they do, fame and recognition in...
How to live longer: a simple vitamin can prolong life
0 Benefits of a complete diet with plenty of various fruits and vegetables. They not only saturate the body with the necessary minerals and...
Quality of vision: the main signs of conjunctivitis
0 Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the transparent mucous membrane (con' conjunctiva), which covers the surface of the eyeball...
They hear everything: a McDonald's employee told customers a secret about giving out food
0 Kenya Humphreys said that McDonald's employees can hear what customers who are in cars are talking about. What's more, video cameras...
Named the most heart-healthy chocolate
0 Chocolate is good for blood flow, which means it is good for the heart. However, not all chocolate is beneficial. According to the Cleveland...
Named 4 useful types of exercise for people with diabetes
0 Physical activity is important for people with diabetes. It helps improve blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of heart disease. According...