0 Alzheimer's disease scares many, because it ultimately deprives a person ability to interact with others and make decisions...
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What causes constant dizziness
0 Some people suffer from intractable dizziness for years, but no amount of checks in hospitals can establish the reason Sometimes dizziness...
Scientists have named two drinks for the good functioning of the thyroid system
1 The thyroid gland regulates many processes in the human body, and its unstable work can bring a lot of trouble. In addition to medicines that...
6 key signs that you have inflammatory bowel disease
0 According to Crohn's and Colitis UK , Crohn's disease can have unpleasant symptoms, including changes in bowel habits and feelings of...
The doctor told who should not sleep in warm socks
0 Warm socks for for many people, they become a must-have item in the wardrobe with the onset of cold weather. However, not everyone can sleep...
An alcoholic drink that is good for the heart is named
0 Diseases of the cardiovascular system are one of the main causes of mortality in the world. They can be prevented by small changes in...
The benefits of olive oil are mentioned
0 Many factors affect the development of cardiovascular diseases: genetics, lifestyle, other diseases. Experts believe that certain foods can...
8 Simple Steps to Better Heart Health
0 For people who have survived a heart attack and stroke , are often advised to change their lifestyle habits. But it is better to take care of...
Named the five most anxious signs of the zodiac, who are constantly nervous about little things
Excessive anxiety can significantly spoil life, especially if it is not possible to keep your emotions under control. Yes, any little thing...
Scientists talked about the benefits of the popular berry
0 Cranberries mainly consist of carbohydrates and fiber and contain about 90% water It is also rich in antioxidants and various vitamins,...
The American lived to be 102 years old and revealed the secret of longevity
0 James Chow, 102 -year-old resident of the American state of Hawaii, admitted that he works out every day on simulators. He revealed the...
How Ukrainians can prepare for blackouts and winter: advice from the Deputy Minister of Energy
0 Ukrainian energy experts do not rule out that in case of powerful strikes on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure by the Russian occupiers,...