0 American psychologists have found out that sharing your dreams with the right people is an important condition for the realization of your...
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Named an inexpensive product for women's health
0 This product has a multifaceted beneficial effect on the female body. A nutritionist spoke about its beneficial properties. Radish turned out...
Changes in urine that may indicate a serious illness
0 The way urine smells can tell a lot about your body and indicate a condition before or at the same time as other symptoms. There are several...
Eating the same product four times a week reduces the risk of death from a heart attack
0 Heart attack is a serious cardiovascular event. Almost 30 percent of people who have a seizure die. Moreover, half of them do not even have...
“Dizziness” is a tracing paper: how to correctly translate the word into Ukrainian
0 In modern speech, you can often notice the influence of the Russian language, which leads to the appearance of surzhyk - an artificial...
The doctor named the products necessary for the eyes
0 An ophthalmologist compiled a list of important vitamins and trace elements for eye health. Nutrition has a tremendous impact on both human...
Simple and elegant: Princess Diana's favorite dish hit the royal court
0 Princess Diana, unlike other members of the royal family, was not picky about food. According to longtime royal chef Darren McGrady, the...
6 foods that will increase testosterone levels
0 Add oysters, ginger and pomegranate to the menu. What is testosterone and why should it be increased Testosterone is the key male sex...
How to become richer with a small salary: three working tips of a businessman
0 These financial instruments may seem boring, but they really work. When you read about how to become rich, it may seem that it is...
Radish is good for health because of its antibacterial properties
1 The nutritionist called radish a medicinal vegetable. The doctor said that it is useful to use during illness due to its antibacterial...
The proctologist listed products that have a laxative effect
0 The proctologist talked about products that have a laxative effect . According to her statement, sometimes a person may have problems with...
The moon in Aries will create chaos. The astrologer answered what is forbidden to do on August 23 and how to avoid trouble
0 This Friday, August 23, could be a difficult day. Our lives will be affected by retrograde Mercury, Venus and the Moon in a destructive and...