0 Many Most of us are familiar with the advice to brush our teeth twice a day and for at least two minutes each time. Many of us overestimate...
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New date: when we celebrate the Beheading of John the Baptist
0 Beheading of John The forerunner, who is popularly called Holovosiky, is revered by all Christians. On this day, believers observe the...
When will blackout schedules return in Ukraine: DTEK has named the dates
0 Energy experts predict a return to limiting consumption when the daylight hours become shorter, as well as when Ukrainians start turning on...
From moderate to strong: when the magnetic storm on Earth will increase its strength
0 At the weekend, the sun threw active SMEs into space According to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as...
Early signs of diabetes: what dangerous signals can be overlooked
0 With diabetes a large number of people face. However, some signs and signals of the disease can simply be overlooked. Mayo Clinic specialists...
The nutritionist listed 5 ways not to get sick during the cold weather
0 With the onset of cold weather, colds diseases occur more and more often, but there are very simple and effective methods that protect...
Rheumatoid arthritis: experts have listed the best products for breakfast
0 Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory a disease that affects the joints. It worsens the quality of life, as it causes painful...
Men are just as emotional as women
0 The stronger sex should not be represented as emotionless beings in contrast to the fair sex. The study showed that men do not differ from...
How does learning foreign languages help the brain
0 Research has shown that learning a foreign language improves brain health. And this provides protection against its age-related degeneration....
Therapists discovered the unique properties of yeast and products based on it
0 Without yeast is impossible to imagine not only modern cooking, but also medicine. Therapists decided to reveal the unique properties of...
How many minutes should be spent brushing teeth, scientists said
0 Many experts advise to brush your teeth two times a day, spending at least two minutes on cleaning. However, scientists have found that two...
Astrologers named the signs of the Zodiac, which do not know how to hide their feelings
0 We all express our emotions in different ways: some skillfully hide their true feelings, while others openly demonstrate what is on their...