0 On the weekend of August 3-4, take a break from household chores. Encourage friends who have lost their optimism. Several events on Saturday...
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Named categories that are prone to the development of heart diseases
0 The cardiologist named the categories of people, the largest to the degree prone to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Yes, she...
Scientists from the USA have compiled a list of 20 foods that make a person a “slave to food”
The cleaning lady told about the things that should not be touched in the hotel room
0 A former maid who worked in many hotels claims that most employees do not monitor the cleanliness of the rooms and things inside them. A...
Nutritionists named the worst eating habits for the brain
0 Many dieters often put themselves with the goal of improving appearance, but often forget about the impact of nutrition on brain health....
Why even good and reliable men cheat: a psychologist named 8 reasons
0 No one is safe from betrayal. It happens that even the most faithful family members suddenly find themselves betrayed. A psychologist helped...
Alzheimer's disease: 5 things to do at home to help lower your risk
0 A combination of aging population and the lack of treatment methods that stop the disease stimulated the search for preventive measures....
Two lifestyle changes that will increase your chances of longevity
0 Science continues to pave the way for successful aging. Scientists and doctors have repeatedly stated that longevity is greatly influenced...
Experts have listed simple and useful supplements for morning porridge
0 Porridge is a popular breakfast in many countries of the world, including Ukraine. Oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley - the choice is quite...
From cholesterol, for digestion and the heart: a simple but healthy porridge for breakfast
0 Oatmeal, semolina or buckwheat is often chosen for breakfast. However, there are alternatives that can bring no less benefit to the body....
Yogurt can protect against diarrhea while taking antibiotics
0 Eating yogurt with a certain strain of probiotic can protect against changes in the gut microbiome associated with the use of antibiotics....
A connection was found between various brain diseases
0 Results of a recently completed large study involving several generations show that there is a link between attention deficit hyperactivity...