0 The immune system is designed to protect the body from all foreign substances from the outside, including viruses and bacteria. If immunity...
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Oncologists named the main symptoms of one of the most deadly types of tumors
0 Pancreatic the gland is responsible for the production of important enzymes and hormones necessary for digestion and blood sugar regulation....
Nutritionist: this is why eggs for breakfast are the best solution for diabetics
Given the connection between type 2 diabetes, blood sugar and insulin, it's no surprise that leading health experts and nutritionists...
Loneliness can affect the brain and increase the risk of dementia in older people
0 Data indicate that a long-term feeling of loneliness has a detrimental effect on health. How does this feeling turn into a disease? Feelings...
How to bake chicken with a crispy crust
1 There are many ways to cook chicken. It can be boiled or fried. And you can bake it in the oven. When sending a chicken to the oven, any cook...
What are the benefits of linseed oil, especially for women
1 Modern studies have shown that the use of linseed oil reduces stroke risk by 37%. Using linseed oil, you can not be afraid of such terrible...
Reasons why canned cucumbers become cloudy
0 The hottest season begins for many housewives at the end of summer. After all, it is at this time that the main amount of vegetables and...
Scientists have explained why it is not possible to kill spiders living in apartments and houses
0 Even a person who does not suffer from arachnophobia will react emotionally to the appearance of a spider in the room and reach for a...
The nutritionist told how to force yourself to eat and how to stop stress eating
0 There is one answer to both questions: take care of hormones, namely: Dopamine The chemistry of self-reward. Finish things (even...
Why is it necessary to sleep covered?
0 Sleep at night with at least a sheet, the doctor warned. In the therapist's interview, the opinion was expressed that during night sleep,...
A real autumn soup with eggplant
0 Take chicken, fresh eggplant and lots of vegetables, add spices and get a real autumn soup for a family lunch or dinner in the cool fall!...
The seven most useful products for the intestines were named by doctors
1 Intestinal microflora or microbiota are microorganisms , which live in the digestive tract. It has been established that the human intestine...