0 Osteoarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joints, its cause is damage to cartilage tissues of articular surfaces. Abroad,...
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Why mouth ulcers appear and how to treat them
0 Ulcers - These are round or oval wounds with a white or yellow center and a red border. In the mouth, they are on the tongue, gums, soft...
Zodiac signs that have a rebellious and unrestrained nature: they cannot be tamed
0 If some signs of the zodiac love home comfort, predictability and life according to a clear plan, others headlong run away from it. These...
Metabolism peaks in the year and falls after 60
0 The study showed that peak metabolic rates in the human body are noted at the age of one year. And their sharp decline occurs already after...
These actions are characteristic of men who are madly in love with their chosen one
0 Both women and men have emotions. Men cry the same way and love the same way. These men do not waste time on games and manipulations They...
Tomatoes can protect against stomach cancer
0 Tomatoes are not just a tasty and healthy vegetable available to every Ukrainian . It turns out that they are able to suppress the growth of...
Is it difficult to be left-handed and how is their life different: interesting facts
0 If you have been doing everything with your left hand since childhood and in general, the left half of your brain is more developed,...
The condition of the nails can indicate serious diseases
0 British orthopedist Dina Gohil told what diseases indicate bad nails As it turns out, the color and texture of the horny plates are...
What is “Offline School” and how the state plans to return 300,000 children to full-time education
0 The Ministry of Education and Science plans to return 300,000 Ukrainian schoolchildren to full-time education where possible. When...
Named a vitamin useful for heart health
Signs of dementia: the seven first symptoms of the disease
0 Dementia is an acquired dementia characterized by a steady decline in cognitive activity and loss of previously acquired knowledge and...
Doctors named the main symptoms of a diseased liver
0 According to the National Institutes of Health, liver disease includes various conditions caused by viruses such as hepatitis A, B, and C,...