Poor sense of smell in old age may indicate imminent death

A group of scientists conducted a study to determine the connection between sense of smell and death. It turned out that poor ability to distinguish smells in old age may indicate a quick death.

More than 2 million volunteers over 70 years of age took part in the experiment. They had to identify 12 smells, each of which had 4 options. After that, the participants were divided into groups. They were monitored for 13 years.

The researchers were able to find out that obvious problems with smell increase the risk of death in the next 10 years by 50%, compared to those whose ability to recognize smells has not changed. This connection also applies to people who are in good health. In this case, more serious illnesses are more likely to appear later.

The authors of the scientific work believe that smell tests will become popular in medical institutions. However, scientists have not yet been able to fully understand the essence of this connection. There is a theory that a poor sense of smell is associated with hidden problems in the body.

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Author: alex

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