Product safety: an expert told how to store products at home

The nutritionist explained , how to organize the storage of various products at home.

The expert explained: the correct placement of food products will help to avoid not only premature spoilage of food, but also the risk of diseases caused by the consumption of unsafe products.

Shelves and pantry (from 10C to 21C)

You can store sealed packages of peanut paste and mayonnaise outside the refrigerator, but after opening, they must be sent to the refrigerator.

When placing canned goods on the shelves, it is important to ensure that the storage temperature does not exceed 38С, otherwise they will spoil quickly.

Unripe fruits with stones should be stored in a paper bag, ripe ones should be kept in the refrigerator. Tomatoes can be placed on the shelves if they are planned to be consumed within 1-2 days.

Potatoes must be stored in a dark, cool place separately from onions.

Refrigerator (from 1C up to 5C)

Prepared food is best stored on the top shelf. The most stable temperature is observed near the back wall, so perishable products should be placed near it: dairy products, raw meat and eggs. At the same time, it is better to leave the meat in an airtight container on the bottom shelf. The lower drawers are the most optimal for fruits and vegetables.

The temperature in the refrigerator door is most prone to change, so food with a short shelf life should not be placed in it.

Freezer chamber ( -18С)

Frozen food is safe, but it may lose its quality if stored for too long. Before sending meat, fish or poultry to the freezer, it should be wrapped in an individual package with marking applied to it.

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Author: alex

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