Prytula explained why the state cannot do without the volunteer movement
Serhiy Prytula explained that volunteering and the position of the head of a charitable foundation does not give him privileges regarding mobilization, since charitable organizations are not included in the list of structures that are subject to reservations.
The Ukrainian volunteer movement is faster and more mobile than the state, although it operates with much smaller amounts of funds that it spends on supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, at present, the state cannot do without volunteers. Serhii Prytula, who heads the volunteer organization “Serhiy Prytula Charitable Fund”, stated this in an interview with Natalia Moseichuk.
“Volunteers are very fast and mobile fire extinguishers. When all the drones were hit in a certain unit, the state will lead them for a very long time. A volunteer can bring tomorrow. The only question is give money. We know where to buy and how to sell,” Prytula said.
He specified that volunteers will never compare with the state in terms of the amount of support, but he emphasized that 10 years after the emergence of the volunteer movement in Ukraine, the country still depends heavily on volunteers.
“There is no way without volunteers… What has been happening in Ukraine for 10 years is an unprecedented story. This is something that no one in the world can boast of,” said Prytula.
He also explained that volunteering and the position of the head of a charitable foundation does not give him privileges regarding mobilization.
“Charities organizations are not included in the list of structures subject to reservations…I have a deferral from military service due to the presence of three minor children,” said Prytula. government to provide military assistance to Ukraine in the fight against the Russian invasion, raised 2 million euros for ammunition for Ukraine.
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