Psychologists spoke about the feelings of people on the verge of death
The end of a person's life is one of the most mysterious mysteries for modern science.
Many psychologists believe that a person's consciousness dies after their body. Technically, death is considered cardiac arrest, but many people who have experienced clinical death talk about what happened to them “beyond.” Studies show that over 40% of those who have experienced clinical death have some kind of memory of it.
Everyone knows about the white light, vivid memories, and beautiful landscapes that people see when their hearts no longer beat. But there is also more interesting data – some patients remember fragments of phrases spoken by doctors or their loved ones during resuscitation, some even describe objects, the environment, and remember other details. As emotions that accompany cardiac arrest, people most often name quite opposite feelings – panic fear and peace.
The brain begins to die a little later than cardiac arrest, and it is this feature that makes it possible to bring some patients back to life. At the moment, psychologists cannot say with certainty whether near-death experiences are hallucinations, since there is no objective method of studying them; the conclusions are based solely on the words of those who have experienced clinical death.
There is also evidence that at the moment of death a person does not feel any emotions, since mechanisms of consciousness have been discovered that completely block them. But it is not yet possible to confirm or refute this information.
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