Rheumatoid arthritis can be cured
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common cause of disability both in our country and around the world. In addition, this disease affects women five times more often, some at a fairly young age. Modern studies also indicate the negative impact of this disease on conception. Rheumatologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Olena Garmish talks about rheumatoid arthritis and new methods of its treatment.
Rheumatoid arthritisis a disease of the joints, which is manifested by inflammation of the joint membrane, the development of damage to cartilage, ligaments and tendons. Moreover, it is caused by changes in the immune system. The immune system seems to attack the tissues in the joints. In addition to the joints, the disease can also affect the liver, kidneys, intestines, heart and other organs. There are provoking factors – stress, insolation, hypothermia, infectious diseases, sometimes pregnancy. The influence of various colds on the launch of rheumatic processes suggests that the disease more often begins in winter during epidemics of widespread infections.
First, there are joint pains, slight morning stiffness, increased skin temperature, swelling, joint tenderness, dislocations and subluxations. And in the end, this disease leads to disability, depression, severe disability. Some patients even get large dogs that help them get out of bed in the morning.
In the first two years of the disease, pain and impaired mobility are caused by inflammation in the joints, then their irreversible destruction. Previously, the disease was treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and hormones, which is why they were effective only at the stage of inflammation. These drugs eliminated pain, but the joints continued to collapse. In destroyed joints, anti-inflammatory drugs are already powerless, since they have absolutely no effect on the structure of the damaged bone.
Now a new treatment for rheumatoid arthritis has appeared – immunobiological therapy. Today, immunobiological therapy can be obtained in Kyiv, at the M. D. Strazhesk Institute, as well as in some clinics in Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Lviv, Simferopol, and Kharkiv. It has been used all over the world for almost 15 years. What is the essence of this method?
The therapy acts on substances and immune cells of the body that trigger the inflammatory process and block the action of these factors. Immunobiological therapy drugs are called TNF blockers. Very often, TNF blockers provide remission (disappearance of symptoms of the disease, and in the early stages of the disease they prevent joint destruction).
Only an experienced specialist should prescribe immunobiological drugs to patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Because they all have side effects, and only a qualified doctor can minimize them. Before starting treatment, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination. The drug is administered in a special infusion room.
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