Scientists called the intensity of physical exercises for longevity

Constant physical activity is one of the keys to a long life . However, scientists decided to look into this issue a little deeper and determine the optimal intensity of exercises that would allow us to approach longevity.

The study showed that active physical activity brings the greatest benefit. Experts studied the data of the experiment, in which more than 403 thousand people took part, and analyzed information about their physical activity.

It turned out that those who had a higher ratio of high physical activity to the total number of exercises , had a lower risk of early death from a number of causes. According to the researchers, these study participants were more likely to survive than those who did not include vigorous exercise in their daily routine. as well as 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise,” experts emphasized. Among the examples of active activities, they singled out jogging, fast swimming, downhill cycling, football, skipping rope, aerobics, gymnastics and martial arts.

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Author: alex

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