Scientists discover new important role of the appendix for human health
For decades, the appendix was considered a vestigial organ, an ancient reminder to humanity of its lost evolutionary purpose. Meanwhile, a new study by scientists suggests that the appendix may not be useless at all, but on the contrary – play a very important role in the functioning of the human immune system.
Appendix: There is nothing superfluous in the body
According to a study published in the scientific journal Comptes Rendus Palevol, the appendix may actually serve as an additional reservoir for beneficial intestinal bacteria, thus reinsuring the body against complete loss of them in unfortunate cases of diarrhea. As a result, those people who do not have an appendix take longer to recover from intestinal diseases.
In the study, scientists looked at 533 different species of mammals, paying attention to both the presence and absence of an appendix, and the consequences for the body in both cases. It presented a clear evolutionary history of the organ's development, and showed that after the appendix appeared in the body of mammals, it did not just disappear. As the theory of evolution teaches, if an organ remains in the body over time, then this means that it served, and continues to serve, an important purpose.
The study also found that animals with an appendix also had a high concentration of lymphoid tissue in the pouch of the walls that connects the small and large intestines. This tissue is linked to our immune system and the growth of good bacteria. Such results thus give reason to assume the true importance of the appendix for human health.
While most people view bacteria from a negative perspective, scientists have recently emphasized their importance to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, according to the website Science Learning, beneficial bacteria help break down food, stimulate the immune system, and produce vital vitamins and hormones.
Although the new study somewhat refutes the usual uselessness of the appendix, we still do not know why this organ is so prone to inflammation called appendicitis. However, some scientists see the cause of appendicitis in intestinal obstruction.
It is amazing how perfectly thought out our body is, and, it would seem, even today an unnecessary organ is gradually restoring its position. And this means that you should not belittle the role of any organ, because, after all, in our body all organs are closely interconnected. Moreover, there is nothing superfluous in it. Therefore, be sure to take care of your health, both in particular and in general.
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