Scientists have developed a new approach to treating atherosclerosis

Scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich conducted research that allowed them to develop a new approach to the treatment of atherosclerosis. The essence lies in the effect of the active component on the hardening of the arteries.

According to the researchers, with every inflammation there is collateral damage, because neutrophils, immune defense cells, also damage tissues. With atherosclerosis, fatty, calcareous and protein deposits form on the inner wall of the vessels. Neutrophils release their DNA and, therefore, histones, which are cytotoxic. They kill neighboring cells, in the case of atherosclerosis, smooth muscle cells. In this case, cell death is triggered through the holes where fluid enters the cell until it bursts. The result: the plaque becomes unstable because it is no longer stabilized by muscle cells. Based on these findings, scientists have developed a new approach to the therapy of atherosclerosis. Using molecular modeling techniques, they created a peptide that binds to histone and thereby takes on a toxic function.

Experts note that the mechanism of action can be transferred to other inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis and chronic intestinal inflammation. As for minimizing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, scientists advise adding fish oil to the diet.

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Author: alex

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