Scientists have discovered the best tea for brain health

In the morning, many people prefer coffee to black tea, being sure that such a drink is much more useful. However, scientists suggest changing it to green, as it contains a high concentration of antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. And a recent study showed that such tea is also beneficial for brain health.

According to the results of the work, green tea can help in the treatment of mental disorders, such as dementia. “Our results show that green tea can increase short-term synaptic plasticity in the brain, with a beneficial effect on its cognitive functions,” said the lead author of the study Stefan Borgwardt from the Psychiatric University Clinic in Switzerland.

In addition, improving brain function maybe several more types of drinks.

Tea with lemon balm

It was established that lemon balm extract has good properties for stimulating attention and memory. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the neurons of the basal forebrain, which are destroyed in Alzheimer's disease. It is known that these neurons are responsible for learning and memory.

Ginseng tea

Ginseng is best known for its stimulating properties that provide an influx of energy. The fact is that the plant contains a compound called HT008-1, which is able to improve blood circulation, expanding capillaries and keeping them clean. In the course of randomized studies, scientists came to the conclusion that such tea can have a beneficial effect on cognitive abilities, while no side effects of the drink were recorded.

Rosemary tea

It is a brain stimulant, helps to concentrate and reduces mental fatigue. Studies have shown that even the smell of rosemary increases concentration and naturally improves memory.

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Author: alex

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