Scientists have found out at what age people are happiest

As it turned out, this indicator fluctuates throughout life, but the peak still comes at a certain point.

A group of scientists from Germany and Switzerland tried to answer the question of at what age a person is happiest.

It is based on an analysis of studies in which a total of 460,902 people participated. From this group, they separately evaluated 443 questionnaires where people described their attitude towards themselves throughout their lives.

We focused on changes in the three main components of subjective well-being – life satisfaction, as well as positive and negative emotional states.

Susanna Bücher
Professor at the German University of Physical Education and Sport in Cologne

The results showed that life satisfaction decreases from 9 to 16 years old. Researchers attribute this to changes in the body during puberty. Then this indicator increases slightly for a long time and reaches a peak by the age of 70, and then drops again – up to the age of 96.

But positive emotional states decrease practically throughout life – from the age of 9 to 94. Negative ones fluctuate slightly from the age of 9 to 22, and then decrease until the age of 60. After the age of 50, they will increase again.

This may be due to the fact that older people have a reduced physical performance, often their health deteriorates, and they begin to have less contact with the outside world.

Susannah Booker

Scientists summarize that in later life, all components of subjective well-being tend to deteriorate faster than they improve. Therefore, it is important not to be lazy throughout life and to do things that bring pleasure more often.

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Author: alex

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