Scientists have identified the most dangerous ways of consuming coffee
Scientists often remind that excessive coffee consumption is harmful to health I In particular, it is not recommended to drink more than four cups of this drink a day. As it turned out, the way the coffee is prepared, the time of day for its consumption, and even the utensils from which it is drunk also affect the body's condition.
Coffee from a disposable cup
Running into a coffee shop to get a drink and go on business – that's how many people drink coffee. However, scientists do not advise doing this. Drinking hot drinks from paper cups with linings containing plastic film can cause the appearance of dangerous microplastic particles in the body. “These chemicals can be linked to a host of health problems, including reproductive dysfunction and obesity, as well as problems such as developmental delays in children,” noted experts from the US Consumer Society.
Unfiltered coffee
A French press is one of the easiest and fastest ways to brew coffee yourself. Specialists from the Swedish University of Gothenburg believe that in the long term such a method can harm the body. According to their data, unfiltered coffee contains substances that increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. Scientists have concluded that using a filter removes dangerous elements and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and premature death.
Morning coffee
Morning seems to be the best time. for coffee Experts still recommend having breakfast before starting to drink. British scientists claim that caffeine before breakfast can negatively affect blood sugar levels and increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes in the future.
Sweet coffee with cream
< p>Health experts warn that excessive consumption of sweet coffee with cream or milk can affect the size of the waist. Nutritionists do not recommend abusing such a combination. “Over time, these extra calories can lead to weight gain,” reminded nutritionist Kelly McGrane.
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