Scientists have named 5 conditions for reducing cancer incidence

Healthy habits can reduce the risk of cancer by more than a third, scientists from the University of São Paulo and Harvard University said.

Joint work by American and Brazilian experts has shown that about 115,000 annual cases of cancer in Brazil are caused by risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight and obesity, poor diet and lack of physical activity. Prevention of these phenomena is the most effective measure to combat cancer, the researchers said.

According to scientists, “lifestyle correction allows you to reduce the risk of cancer of the larynx, lungs, oropharynx, esophagus and intestine by at least half.”

Experts named five conditions that really ensure a decrease in cancer incidence.

1. Sports.Scientists note that the state should encourage sports activities, popularize them among the population. Accessibility is important – people should have the opportunity to play sports on the grounds near their homes.

“Increasing physical activity and sports activities are guaranteed to reduce cancer mortality and reduce the number of new cases,” the authors of the project stated.

2. Reducing alcohol consumption. As a measure to prevent cancer, scientists recommend reducing alcohol consumption to less than 50 grams per day.

3. BMI control. A body mass index of more than 25 means overweight. Obesity is a proven factor in increased cancer risk.

4. Calcium intake. Scientists note the importance of sufficient calcium intake with food, at least 200-400 mg per day.

5. Tobacco reduction. To reduce the incidence of cancer, experts consider it effective to reduce tobacco consumption by smokers by at least a third.

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Author: alex

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